Marley, Oz, and Silver Lending and Consultations (Vuurstahl)

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki

Though there are many lending companies within the Vuurstahl Empire, both GMS-affiliated and independent, the largest and most profitable venture by far is that of Marley, Oz, and Silver Lending and Consultations. Once three competing firms, the three were merged on the suggestion of then-head of Marley Financial Consultations Dealbroker Anastasia Marley in the name of creating what she described as a “unified lending experience”, but which her competitors (and many historians) instead described as a “monopoly”. Under their new banner, MO&S quickly made a name for itself by removing all but the minimum legal requirement in background checks, while also offering the lowest interest rates on the market. Though many expected this to be the newly-formed company’s immediate downfall, they instead flourished, causing economists the nation over to scratch their heads in wonder.

The answer, they discovered, lay in the fine print of the contracts penned by the Dealbroker herself– those who took on careless debt, expecting to take advantage of a poor business decision, were trapped by her “secondary payment clause”-- if a debtor could not pay in manna, they were expected to pay in services, their skills put to use in the company’s new side businesses, of which there were assuredly enough for anyone the Dealbroker snagged to find themselves needed in. Even when the news of this clause hit the press, it wasn’t enough to choke the flow of customers; there were simply too many for whom MO&S was their only recourse, all other lenders having turned them away.

MO&S continues to hold the largest market share of any lending company, the Dealbroker family even maintaining a seat on the board. Through their secondary payment system, they’ve even broken into the war machine business, their signature “Unyielding” line eschewing form factor for practical resilience. Though official statements from the current Dealbroker give this as an intentional design decision on her part, rumors instead suggest it’s merely the outcome of the nature of their creation. An engineer being forced into free labor is hardly going to care for aesthetics, after all. Just as long as it works.

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