Main Page

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki

Welcome to The Spiraling Nexus, a wiki hub for various personal projects and collaborative TTRPG settings.

Hubs for specific games

Getting started

  1. Create an account. This will allow you to upload files or make edits to the wiki and generally interface with it as a contributor rather than just a reader.
  2. If you're new to The Spiraling Nexus, check out the About page for more information on this wiki's purpose and associated settings.
  3. When you're ready to start editing, check out these resources:
    • Sandbox to mess around with a page and get a handle for how editing on this version of MediaWiki works.
    • MediaWiki's help page for information on using MediaWiki-powered wikis (like this one).
    • Style guide for information on how articles should be titled and formatted to maintain consistency across wiki content.
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