
From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki

Best editing practices

When using The Spiraling Nexus as an editor, please keep the following things in mind.

The Nexus contains many projects, not all of which you own or may even be part of.

The Nexus' associated subsections will probably be used mostly by the "owner" of a given project (such as the GM of a TTRPG setting), but others associated with that project might, too, such as adding their characters to the wiki in some capacity or creating articles for things related to the project that are their contributions.

If you are not part of that project, use your best judgment when making edits and err on the side of asking permission and giving advance notice even to correct what you think is an obvious mistake or improvement to something in the article (like updating a used template). If you are part of that project, defer to the project's "owner" for how they want wiki content relating to the project to be managed.

Content warnings

Because the Nexus hosts multiple projects, they may vary in content, themes, or other elements. Contributors to the wiki are requested to use such elements in good faith, namely, to engage with potentially darker themes or accurately represent a project's content among the consenting participants.

If you believe that a page contains sensitive content, you are encouraged to add Template:Content warning to the starts of relevant sections or pages. Sensitive content should generally be avoided within the first paragraph of an article so as to give the reader time to establish context or navigate away.

A good rule of thumb is that if it's something you would feel like you need to warn your friends of in advance, mark in spoiler tags, or that you know a given individual who uses the wiki is sensitive to, it's best to put the content warning up top and remark on why you think it needs that template.

Even with a content warning template, keep the wiki's tone appropriate and do not go into egregious detail. This is so that people can feel comfortable navigating the wiki knowing that there will generally be a consistent level of "disconnect" even from subjects that merit a content warning.

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