Nexus:Style guide

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki

This is a style guide to ensure consistency across pages made on the Nexus.


Use sentence case capitalization in titles, section headings, and categories unless it is an intrinsic part of the name such as being a proper noun (like the name of a person or a group) or the title of a work.

Correct: Modern politics in the Veriol Alliance
Here, "Veriol Alliance" is capitalized because it is the name of a group. "Modern politics" is not a proper noun, so it is not capitalized except for "Modern" because it is at the start of the "sentence".
Incorrect: Modern Politics in the Veriol Alliance
Incorrect: modern politics in the Veriol Alliance
Incorrect: Modern Politics In The Veriol Alliance


All categories used on the Nexus should follow the pattern of Project name + category or Setting name + category, whichever suits your purposes so long as you are consistent. As a reminder, use sentence capitalization.

For example, let's say that I am using the Nexus as a place for my TTRPG setting, Ealdremen, in my project Chrono Stars, and I wanted to make a category for player characters in the game world.

Correct: Ealdremen player characters
Correct: Chrono Stars player characters
Incorrect: Player characters (no setting/project name)
Incorrect: Ealdremen Player Characters (doesn't use sentence capitalization)

Articles in titles

Titles should not start with grammatical articles such as the, a, or an unless it is part of the intrinsic title of the subject, such as a location name where this is part of the name (e.g. for a real-life example, The Hague in the Netherlands), or if it is the name of a work such as a book.

Units of measurement

Defer to a given project's owner for what units of measurement to use within a project's categories and maintain consistency across those pages. If the project is a TTRPG setting, it is advised to pick a unit of measurement congruent with the primary TTRPG system being used for that setting.

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