Werner Sharpe

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki
Werner Sharpe
Born 21st of Bauwerkfest, 82 GME (age 59)
Nationality Zhellomvendian
Affiliation The Tempestian Union
Known for Presidency of the Tempestian Union Security Council
Held titles Gravedigger (before Zhellomvend abolished its title system)

Werner Sharpe is the current president of the Tempestian Union Security Council, and its representative for the nation of Zhellomvend. Though some speak of his youth as a bright-eyed young cop who wanted to make a change in the world, his current reputation ranges from cool-headed and efficient to cold-hearted and ruthless, depending on who you ask. What everyone can agree on is his prickly temperament, usually unwilling to entertain the thought of doing things any other way but his own. To him, there is only one correct path, and he seems to be the only person capable of seeing it.

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