Chainforger Camille Leon

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki
Camille Leon
Born 8th of Schmiedenfest, 108 GME (age 33)
Nationality Vuurstahlan
Affiliation The Vuurstahl Empire
Known for Unwilling Captaincy of the Stahlern Asset Protection Services
Held titles Chainforger (current)
Family Gearwinder Dietrich Meyer (father)
Bladekeeper Hermann Meyer (grandfather, deceased)
I'm not a good person. I know I'm not. I can't be, as long as I'm under the Gearwinder's thumb. Stick close to me, and you'll only get hurt.


Chainforger Camille Leon (known to one as her chosen name Annabelle) is the captain of Stahlern’s Asset Protection Services. Her fierce temper and unforgiving methods of apprehension have given her no small degree of notoriety. Her augments enable her to temporarily imitate the abilities of those she touches, allowing her to adapt for different situations by choosing a team with her ideal set of augments, or take a criminal by surprise by throwing their own abilities back in their faces.

While there are many rumors about the root of her fierce temper, very few are aware of the truth of Camille’s history– that she was once Hearthkeeper Brendan Meyer, the heir to Graves-Meyer Steelworks and child of Gearwinder Dietrich Meyer.[2] Her opposition to inheriting GMS led to her father forcing her into the role of captain, subjecting her to experimental augmentations and giving her a mocking pseudonym to conceal her identity.[3] Bitter and still nursing a small degree of defiance, Camille makes an effort to do what little she can in her position to let the occasional “criminal” escape… though whether this is truly out of goodwill or just a way to hit back at her father’s company is difficult to say.

  1. (Shore Leave 4, 1/19/2024)
  2. Camille nods her head. "Yes, I'm the only child of Dietrich Meyer, as much as it disgusts me. But you can never tell anyone. Okay?" She glares at Ezra. "If people knew, I don't know what my father would do. So don't test it." (Shore Leave 4, 1/19/2024)
  3. "...Because I hated the war. Every moment of it. I told my father I didn't want anything to do with his damn company. And you know what he did?" Camille clenches her fist. "He turned me into a lab rat-- gave me these powers I never asked for, and forced me to work the last job I ever wanted. Because my life, like everyone's, is in his hands. And then, to top it all off, he gave me this... this stupid name." She punches the wall in frustration. "'Camille Leon'. 'Chameleon'. Haha, because I can mimic people's augments. Very funny, asshole!" (Shore Leave 4, 1/19/2024)
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