Beginning as a joint venture between GMS engineer Lifeweaver Michael Smith and the Tranquillitan Shimano Bioengineering, Smith-Shimano Corpro is one of the oldest subsidiaries of GMS. SSC is the developer of the modern Assignment process, their engineers’ specialty in genetic engineering and body augmentation the key to the process’s success. To them, Assignment is just one piece of the larger goal of the perfection of the human form. The war machines developed under them reflect this, each a blend of metal and flesh designed to be the natural extension of the human body.
Company head Livia Escelius is one of the few foreigners on the Board of Directors, only making the commute to Vuurstahl when her duties as SSC’s president demand it. As such, she has a distance from the people of Vuurstahl that has caused some friction with her political views.