Genestitcher Livia Escelius

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki
Livia Escelius
Born 7th of Kohlefest, 87 GME (age 55)
Nationality Tranquillitan
Affiliation Shimano Bioengineering
Known for Presidency of Smith-Shimano Corpro
Held titles Genestitcher (current)
Family Nael Escelius (brother)

A businesswoman and engineer from the overseas nation of Maris Tranquillitas, Genestitcher Livia Escelius is the current head of Smith-Shimano Corpro. Though she and her brother Nael were once set to become co-owners of the company, her brother vanished, leaving Livia in sole control. She’s taken to the role well, and Assignment operations have become more and more intricate under her guiding hand. Her company’s goal is the perfection of humanity, and Livia sees no one better to see it through than her.

Livia is one of the few foreigners on GMS’s Board of Directors, and she is the only one who has not set up personal office in Vuurstahl, preferring to stay in her homeland to oversee her business operations there. This distance from the Empire’s people has made some of her policies unpopular amongst them, as she rarely fully understands the ramifications of her positions. Still, as an outsider, she does bring a perspective that few others on the Board have. Livia’s appearance is much younger than her true age, something she ascribes to a good skincare regimen, but which reliable rumors instead attribute to a consistent application of her own engineering upon herself to keep the youth she treasures.

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