Stormcutter Esen Demir

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki
Esen Demir
Born 18th of Schmiedenfest, 112 GME (age 29)
Nationality Vuurstahlan
Affiliation The Vuurstahl Empire
Known for Leading the Stormcutter squadron of the 113th Imperial Company
Held titles Stormcutter (current)

Stormcutter Esen Demir is a patriot, through and through. They are one of the few among the Military-class who seems to serve their nation with nothing but pride, and this patriotism can make them cold to those that they see as uncommitted to their cause. As such, they are often in conflict with the others in their unit, who they see as nothing more than a gaggle of troublemakers and rejects holding themselves back from their true potential. Despite this, they have never asked for a transfer, dedicated to whipping their wayward teammates back into shape.

The truth behind Esen's worldview is her upbringing as a hardline Expansionist. She believes the Empire is divinely ordained to rule all of Tempestas, and as such is proud to serve her part in achieving its "destiny".

Though their personalities could not be more different, Esen and Wirecutter Erol Kartal share something of a bond over their shared homeland, though it seems fairly one-sided on Erol’s part.


Pilot Stormcutter Esen Demir
Model SSC Fritillary
Affiliation The Vuurstahl Empire
NPC Class Veteran Valkyrie
Status Active

An old model of SSC frame that fell out of favor with the creation of the Amber Phantom, the Stormcutter chose to pilot the Cyclone to honor the Empire's long military history. Though they're not quite on the level of the famed Blademaster family, their skill with Cyclone's blade is not to be underestimated, and their air maneuverability gives them an edge over many of their comrades.

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