Once, Vruikt Barr was a rich and prospering land, a land of magic and close-knit community. With access to a hot spot of destruction magic and a unique form of spellcasting all their own, they thrived, their potent powers of destruction enough to keep the Empire from encroaching on their borders. In the distant past, Vuurstahl and Vruikt Barr were even known to go head-to-head for control of the land that would be known as Tivluk, neither willing to yield on the fecund fields within. Though the Empire eventually decisively took it for themselves, it would be the closest to a decisive victory over Vruikt Barr they would ever know…
…until the War of Fire, a war waged to finally take Vruikt Barr’s vast mines of ygripetra. Though Vruikt Barr had their own mechanized combat units, and their mastery of magic hadn’t faded over the years, what they hadn’t counted on was the Empire’s recent acceptance of magic in its own forces. Though Imperial mages were rarely a match for the long history of Vruikt Barr’s, the deciding factor was the Empire’s experimentation in magical technology, resulting in a magical weapon beyond anything ever seen in recorded history– the Mond de Tod. When the Mond was fired, it not only scorched the land, but it tore open and corrupted Vruikt Barr’s hot spot, turning it into a desolate wasteland, uninhabitable by any. The small population that managed to survive the blast became refugees, a people without a home. Most of them were even forced to retreat to the very Empire that ruined their lives.