Slagmelter Masaharu Maki

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki
Masaharu Maki
Born 5th of Juwelfest, 111 GME (age 31)
Nationality Ayatsuri
Affiliation HORUS
Known for Presidency of HORUS as a reward for heroic deeds in the War of Fire
Held titles Slagmelter (current)

Once captain of Empire’s Mage Corps before it was retired, Slagmelter Masaharu Maki was left disfigured and partially paralyzed by their direct exposure to the Mond’s energies. Due to their injuries disqualifying them from military service, and in recognition of their contributions to the war, Dietrich Meyer himself assigned them to lead the newly formed HORUS subsidiary of GMS. Though at first the position seemed merely honorary, the HORUS engineers largely seeming to answer to Dietrich, Masaharu soon proved themself capable as a leader in their own right, their pre-war experience as a computer programmer combining with their inherent magical talent making them more than experienced enough to oversee this new wave of technology. At last, Masaharu seemed to have found new purpose. Though outwardly loyal to Dietrich Meyer for giving them a new start, those close to Masaharu have seen a darkness underneath their calm exterior. Their leadership of HORUS has slowly started to edge its operations further and further from the direct control of the Gearwinder, though to what end is still a mystery.

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