Fortunato Rios
Born | 18th of Steinbruchfest, 75 GME (age 67) |
Nationality | Puertabisma |
Affiliation | IPS-Northstar |
Known for | Presidency of IPS-Northstar |
Held titles | Wavecrasher (current) |
Wavecrasher Fortunato Rios is the current head of IPS-Northstar, though his family lineage is actually one of piracy. Thanks to IPS-N’s policy of non-hereditary leadership, he was able to buck his family history by using his skill at sea to start a position as a ship’s captain in their shipping docks. He soon developed a keen sense for business, rising through the ranks of the company until its former president, Shipmaster Iris Cervantes appointed him her heir. Now, as a member of the Board of Directors, Fortunato’s business acumen has made him a force to be reckoned with, though he struggles with reconciling IPS-N’s smuggling ties with his desire to break free of his family legacy.
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- Bookkeeper Hounan Feng, CEO of the Downfall Group, an IPS-N subsidiary