Earthforger Soleil Ritter

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki
Soleil Ritter
Born Meyersdag, 85 GME (age 56)
Nationality Vuurstahlan
Affiliation Harrison Armory
Known for Leading the Earthforger family as the CEO of Harrison Armory
Held titles Earthforger (current)
Family Shieldbreaker Helena Ritter (daughter, thought to be deceased)
Truthseeker Yorick Ritter (son)
Scraptinker Stella Ritter(daughter)

The current head of the Earthforger family, Soleil Ritter has seen the fall of her family’s name firsthand, and the change to her lifestyle has been jarring, her mind still stuck in the glory of the past. As such, she throws herself into her position on the Board of Directors, hoping the decisions she would make will somehow restore Harrison Armory’s standing in Vuurstahl, though her success thus far has been meager. Compounding her stress is the matter of inheritance; with her eldest daughter Shieldbreaker Helena lost during the War of Fire, and her son Truthseeker Yorick leaving Vuurstahl behind in search of a better life, her hopes fall on her youngest child, Scraptinker Stella. Unfortunately, even the Scraptinker seems more interested in her pet projects than succeeding the family legacy, and it’s possible the title of Earthforger will be lost entirely.

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