Marius Justinius

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki
Marius Justinius
Born 23rd of Viehfest, 105 GME (age 36)
Nationality Tranquillitan
Affiliation The Tempestian Union
Known for Monitoring the timeline for fluctuations as a Duly Appointed Enforcer of the Saint-Germain Accords.

The DAESGA agent assigned to the Vuurstahl Empire, Marius Justinius is one of their foremost experts on time interference, though few would know it from their behavior. They are notoriously free-spirited and informal, often straying from their post to wander around the Empire on one of their numerous hunches. Their habits usually lead them to misadventure, and their superiors are only held back from stronger disciplinary action against them by the need of their expertise on the force. They also tend to diverge from the DAESGA uniform, only keeping the overcoat and their badge, and otherwise following their own... eccentric fashion sense. Their flippance towards authority and knowledge of time travel are said to come from a history of time criminality of their own, though they're rarely forthcoming about it. Though many have theorized that their assignment to the Empire was a punishment for their many quirks, other rumors hold that there's a reason for such a knowledgable agent being assigned to Vuurstahl in particular-- something backed up by Union's intervention in the development of HORUS's Lich frame.

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