Engel de Tod

From The Spiraling Nexus Wiki

The Engels de Tod (usually referred to simply as Engels) are a classification of autonomous magic-wielding combat drones associated with the Mond de Tod, created by Worldkiller Taranis Banes and used by the Vuurstahl Empire in the closing days of the War of Fire to wipe out the population of Vruikt Barr.[1] Though they range wildly in size, shape, and capabilities, a unifying feature is their ability to hone in on human life signs and put an immediate end to them. Production and use of Engels was halted immediately after the war, enforced by the newly-formed Tempestian Union, but the autonomous nature of the drones, along with their undying arcane reactors, made it impossible for the Empire to shut them down altogether. Instead, the remaining Engels were left in the ruins of Vruikt Barr, continuing along their patrol routes for as long as their chassis remain functional. The only time the Empire intervenes is regular Engel patrols of the border of Tivluk, to ensure Engels that deviate from their pre-planned courses in search of settlements are put down as quickly as they can... though with the magic corruption of Vruikt Barr encroaching more on Tivluk with each passing year, so too does the Engels' territory expand.[2]

Though far from widespread, some classes of Engel carried the ability to take the guise of other machines, such as vehicles or computer towers. This functionality served to both aid in taking targets by surprise and functioning as a method to bring soldiers to the frontline more effectively. In the years since the Engels' discontinuation, bimodal technology has in general fallen out of favor, now only used for curiosities such as Master Burger's mascot, the Burgermeister.[3]

The appearance of Stormfront in the midst of the Selvaggian rebellion made public the existence of a race of Engels that have attained sentience through currently unknown means. The first of them, a massive Engel dubbed Sunshine by a group of Barrian survivors, passed into legend for defending them from other Engels so they could make their escape, its wreck remaining as a safe haven within the hostile ruins of Vruikt Barr.[4] The remaining Engels, now calling themselves the Mondboren[5], declared war on the Vuurstahl Empire, in retaliation to the atrocities they had been forced to commit while mindless drones.[6] This declaration also came with a revelation: that the Mond's facilities for Engel creation had been reactivated, allowing it to create never-before-seen models of Engel at the command of an unknown person known to the Mondboren as the Creator.[7]

Classes of Engel

The Engels de Tod are given classifications to signify their specialties, their names taken from angels from ancient Vuurstahlan religious texts. Many have since objected to the designations, the association between heavenly messengers and tools of genocide just one of many examples of the Empire's blatant blaspheming. Regardless, the use of the designations continues, simply by virtue of needing some method to differentiate their makes in the field.

Wartime Engels

The classes of Engel used during the War of Fire, well-known to Imperials running Engel patrols.


An Arael-class Engel.

Arael-class Engels are Ace-type drones specialize in aerial warfare, equipped with back-mounted silos of arcane missiles. Their air maneuverability also makes them adept at evasive maneuvers, even being able to dispel electronic warfare with the release of signal-disrupting clouds of magic.[8] Their only weakness is their reliance on keeping their distance; if their flight systems can be disrupted, or they're focused with weapons targeting their weaker electronic defenses, they're too fragile to take much punishment.


A Gaghiel-class Engel.

Gaghiel-class Engels are bestial Cataphract-type drones designed for ground interference. Though they can run short-range fire support, their specialty is in melee combat, excelling at charging into the fray and snatching enemies in their powerful jaws.[9] If that's not enough, their tails can generate whips of arcane energy to ensnare distant foes and bring them into its range[10], and once an enemy is in its grasp, the Engel's shield systems protect its body from taking direct hits from their retaliatory attacks. If multiple enemies converge on it, however, its shields tend to falter, relying on much weaker energy-based shields to protect it.


An Ireul-class Engel.

Ireul-class Engels are Hive-type drones, with generators on their back designed to generate viscous pools of burning magical slurry, eating through enemies' armor while providing the Engels with cover from their attacks.[11] Even enemies that know what to expect from them aren't immune to their tactics, as they can cast control magic capable of driving enemies into danger, the only defense being to lock up a frame's joints entirely.[12] The Ireul's destruction magicks require its generators to keep the pools active, however; if the Engel is destroyed, they quickly dissipate.


Israfel-class Engels are Conscript-type drones, leading to them often being underestimated by the overconfident. While individually they pose little threat, Israfels are never alone, each part of a bonded pair that fight as one unit. Their damage to mechs is less impressive than most other models, but their weapons are enough to keep an enemy too distracted to aim properly.[13] Their relatively fragile construction makes them easy targets to pick off, though focusing on Israfels tends to allow more powerful Engels to press the attack, and in a pinch the Engels themselves may even use the Israfels as meat shields to preserve themselves.


A Ramiel-class Engel.

Ramiel-class Engels are elite Sniper-type drones, housing a powerful arcane cannon in the main chassis of their frame. Their legs are designed to cling to any surface, allowing them to quickly scale structures to find a suitable vantage point[14], and their quick reaction time and ability to alternate between various types of magical payloads makes them effective at piercing through foes with destructive beams for so much as moving within their line of fire.[15] They're most effective at long range, however; enemies that manage to close the distance can easily throw a Ramiel off its guard.


A Sahaquiel-class Engel.

Sahaquiel-class Engels are elite Archon-type drones, aerial guardians that exist to sweep the battlefield for reconnaissance, updating other Engels' patrols to home in on located targets. Though a Sahaquiel's weapons are rarely powerful enough to take down a mounted foe on its own, they emit a field of interference from transmitters on the bottom of their chassis that disrupts targeting systems.[16] They are also powerful anti-evacuation weapons, a specialized array at their heart emitting a paralyzing sound that prevents most unmounted targets from fleeing.[17] Because of this, Sahaquiels are usually high-priority targets during Engel patrols, and focusing one down is recommended to counter its rapidly-regenerating shields.

The 113th Company encountered a Sahaquiel that showed signs of awakening to sentience, doggedly pursuing Amalia's scavengers with accusations of murder.[18] Its enhanced processing power made it an even larger threat than most Sahaquiels, having the presence of mind to command the Engels under its sway like armed forces, and even fire in retribution when its allies were harmed. Though it was ultimately destroyed, it used its last moments to push its systems, never meant to speak, to warn them that it was not the end.[19]


A Sandalphon-class Engel.

Sandalphon-class Engels are scorpion-like Pyro-type drones, equipped with shield-bearing arms to protect themselves from distant fire. Their tails hold arcane generators that release a sea of burning magic over a wide area, designed to aggravate any burning a target may already be suffering. They also hold a potent defensive tool, able to erect a wall of fire that can melt incoming projectiles on contact.[20] Their only weakness is their lumbering gait, making a Sandalphon easy to escape the clutches of in more mobile frames. This flaw makes it clear that mounted combat is a secondary feature of these Engels; their weapons may be devastating on a cluster of enemy mechs, but they're downright cataclysmic on a crowd of humans.


Little is known of the Sarathiel-class Engel; all records of its creation were destroyed by the Worldkiller in the latter days of the War, and only one was ever created. What is known is Sarathiel was by far the most powerful class of Engel, capable of annihilating the capital of Vruikt Barr by its own power alone. Despite its massive size and devastating presence, however, Sarathiel vanished after the war every bit as mysteriously as it appeared, with no sign of it or its wreckage being found in the Barrian ruins to date. Union has continued their hunt for the Engel to see it put out of commission permanently, but with no leads to go on, they have nothing to show for their efforts thus far.


A Shamshel-class Engel.

Shamshel-class Engels are Blackguard-type drones designed to tear hostiles from their fortifications with their dexterous whips.[21] They are one of the few Engels with self-preservation instincts, willing to pull other Engels into the line of fire if it means they can stay in the fight to continue manipulating the battlefield.[22] Their own damage output against war machines is negligible, but they were never designed to carry a battle; a Shamshel is most in its element when it can pull its enemies into surrounding hazards to soften them up for its more heavy-hitting allies.


A Tabris-class Engel.

Tabris-class Engels are Strikebreaker-type drones, and the smallest model of wartime Engel. Their diminutive size allows them to easily infiltrate a crowd, devastating their targets with their powerful weapons[23], and apprehending them to prevent them from escaping. They also carry drones that interfere with the systems of enemy frames, falsely flagging them as hostile to their allies.[24] Their ability to disrupt battlefield tactics has given them a reputation as one of the most frustrating Engels to face on Engel patrol, slipping into the fray and throwing entire stratagems into disarray by locking down opponents one by one.


A Zeruel-class Engel.

Zeruel-class Engels are Iron Maiden-type drones, and are widely considered the "standard" Engel in the public eye. This is because they are the most horrific Engel to see in action by a wide margin; Zeruels do not have traditional weapons like most other models. Instead, a Zeruel has bladed whips and potent control magic to pull foes into its grip... where it then opens its torso to reveal a devastating grinder that chews through metal and flesh alike.[25] When needed, a Zeruel is even capable of entering its execution mode, shedding its outer layer of armor to increase its mobility and permanently expose its shredding maw.[26] The visceral nature of the Zeruels' slaughter continues to live in the public consciousness, and they, more than any other model, demonstrate the depths of the Empire's monstrosity.

Next-generation Engels

The reactivation of the Mond's manufacturing facilities has led to the creation of several unknown models of Engel. The Mond itself is only known to be able to produce Engels of the existing models[27], suggesting that whoever the enigmatic Creator is holds the capacity to invent new designs. The next-generation Engels display an even greater degree of unconventional magical technology, sometimes showing abilities beyond what has been seen before. As such, many of their designations, both in model and type, have been assigned after the fact, and both the Empire and Union are desperately seeking any information they can find on these new threats.


An Armisael-class Engel.

Armisael-class Engels have been termed Doppelganger-type drones, capable of splitting into numerous identical arcane duplicates.[28] Each of the clones carries the same capabilities as their originator, and their powerful swords can quickly carve through an unsuspecting enemy. Even destruction isn't enough to keep one completely safe from the Engel's assault, as on destruction, the Armisael and its clones are both designed to detonate in a wave of destructive magic, catching close-range foes unawares.[29] Armisaels are an enemy that, if left unchecked, overwhelms their foe with sheer might, requiring vigilance to keep its clones from activating.


A Baraqiel-class Engel.

Baraqiel-class Engels have been termed Stormcaller-type drones, holding minor weather-controlling abilities, though nowhere near the strength the Evangelion-class Engel showed. They excel at long-range interference, firing devastating bolts of arcane energy that interfere with a frame's systems for as long as they're allowed to persist.[30] They can also create fields of electrical energy that make electronic attacks, including weapons that rely on electronic targeting, almost impossible to land, countering strategies that rely on such tactics to harass the enemy.[31] Like most artillery Engels, however, Baraqiels work best from a distance, and struggle should an enemy make it close enough to hit them back.


A Bardiel-class Engel.

Bardiel-class Engels have been termed Leech-type drones for their ability to latch to a war machine and worm its way into their systems. Smaller than even Tabris-class Engels, a Bardiel is almost impossible to see when attached, a mechanical parasite designed to make puppets of those it clings to. It holds twofold functions, able to support allies it attaches to[32], while also being able to move enemies out of position and burrow its way through their armor with its pincers.[33] Its small size comes at a cost, however, the Engel itself being too frail to survive much punishment... though it carries a powerful EMP generator to at least make its attacker regret laying hands on it.[34]


Main article: Stormfront
Stormfront, the Evangelion-class Engel.

Only one Evangelion-class Engel is known to have existed, the Mondboren that identified themself as Stormfront. Stormfront was designated posthumously as a Tempest-type machine, able to control the weather itself to devastating effect.[35] They also carried a weapon capable of knocking enemies a great distance from its blast, knocking them off their feet on collision with an obstacle[36], and could draw their clouds back within themself to turn into devastating meteors of pure destruction magic.[37] On top of this, they could assume the form of a Revelation-class ship, a discontinued model of military transport capable of transporting a large quantity of passengers, which Stormfront used to convey an army of Engels to the Selvaggian factories.[38] Their weather-manipulating abilities, however, seemed to depend on the nodes that they deployed across the battlefield, as after all of them were destroyed, they lost the ability to control the clouds.[39]

Stormfront transformed into a Revelation-class ship.

Stormfront proved to be a menace for the Imperial forces, completely wiping out several squadrons and razing much of Selvaggia's woodland to the ground. They would have destroyed the central Selvaggian manufacturing plants had it not been for the actions of the 113th Company and the Selvaggian Unemployed, who worked together to bring down the young Mondboren, Steeldancer Fia Messore striking the killing blow. As Stormfront seems to have been created for the Selvaggian operation, it is currently unknown if another Evangelion-class Engel will be produced; as mass weather control is considered a war crime[40], the Tempestian Union has a vested interest in preventing such a thing from coming to pass.


Main article: Nightlight
Nightlight, the Leliel-class Engel.

Only one Leliel-class Engel has been recorded, a young Mondboren that was created to protect the last Imperial communications tower in Vruikt Barr. The Engel, now calling itself Nightlight, has been termed an Eclipse-type machine, so named for its ability to blot out the sky with its magic.[41] Though childish and impulsive, the Leliel still proved a powerful foe in its own right, able to shift between two different phases that modified the nature of its attacks.[42][43] Unlike Stormfront, it was created without the ability to properly speak, only being able to communicate when Starcutter Alruna Falki scanned its systems.[44] After being defeated by the 113th, Nightlight expressed a desire to renounce violence, and returned to the Mond to join Starfall's Human Coexistence Coalition.[45] It is unknown at this time if the Creator intends to produce more Leliels in the meantime.


A Lilin-class Engel.

Lilin-class Engels have been termed Swarmling-class drones, and seem to be the natural evolution of the Israfel-class Engel. They deploy in pairs like the Israfels, but they take the concept of safety in numbers a step further, containing onboard printers that allow them to turn the wrecks of other machines into improvised duplicates of themselves.[46] Because of this, soldiers who underestimate a Lilin will find themselves overrun by a veritable army of small Engels, each with the presence to stop even the largest enemy in their tracks on contact. It's best to mow down the Lilin's forces before it can build up too strongly; all Lilins self-annihilate on death, preventing an infinite recursion of multiplication.


A Matarael-class Engel.

Matarael-class Engels have been termed Termite-class drones, designed to tear their way through cover to open enemies to their allies' attacks with the ability to shoot streams of acid from their weapons.[47] They also carry an array of arcane concoctions, designed to tear the ground asunder into a hazard that they can activate at will to create an explosion that knocks foes from their feet.[48] They themselves are designed to tackle any terrain, gaining an advantage on slower foes, and like their type's namesake, they're difficult to be rid of, though their small size makes them vulnerable to crowd control.


  1. "Engels, combat drones, followed the blast. They were there to pick off anyone left. The wounded, the dying. It didn't matter. We were a threat. This was fifteen years ago. (Shore Leave 1,1/29/2024)
  2. It's even worse than the last time she came here... The ashes of her homeland call to her, and when she faces the Engels, she will answer them. (Mission Log, 7/2/2023)
  3. Stella puts her hands together. "Bimodal technology, you know. Technology that can transform from one mode to the other. You see it today in those mascots Master Burger has-- you know, the Burgermeister? There it's just a novelty, but they used to use it for all kinds of functions. There were even some En... *machines* during the War that functioned as both a robot and a vehicle." She pauses, as if it's sinking in. "...Maybe that connection is why it fell out of favor, actually." (Shore Leave 2, 1/16/2024)
  4. Reynard speaks up. "Well. This is just a story, mind, but they say Sunshine befriended a group of Barrians before it was destroyed. So... them, I guess?" (Mission Log, 7/8/2023)
  5. "I am no tool, Imperial," the Worldsweeper thunders. "I do have a name, but it is one I chose. We chose." [...] "I am Lieutenant Stormfront of the Mondboren, and for the sake of my family-- for the sake of the pain your kind have inflicted upon them, and continue to-- I shall see this war to our victory!" (Mission Log, 4/22/2024)
  6. "What alternative do you suggest, then, Imperial?" the Engel asks brusquely. "How long must we spend refining the knife while the Empire continues its cruel course? Should we wait for the Union to find its teeth again? We cannot abide by the slow path. It has already proven impotent time and time again." (Mission Log, 4/22/2024)
  7. "Who is your creator?" asks Bowen. His hands are still tight around the controls of his mech, still not entirely sure if this is a trap or not. Still, information would be useful...
    i do not understand. the creator is the creator.(Mission Log, 8/26/2023)
  8. Staying in position as she reduces the machine to metal, she makes use of No Future's "bluescreen" munitions and takes a haphazard shot with her revolver at the Arael-class Engel far to the north. The Arael releases a puff of arcane cover that fizzles the signal, darting away from the source of the attack. (Mission Log, 7/9/2023)
  9. The newly-arrived Gaghiel leaps forward, diving headlong through Bowen, Ezra, and Sieghild. The bestial Engel's jaws clamp around Sieghild, dragging her bodily away from the scavengers. (Mission Log, 7/9/2023)
  10. The Gaghiel stalks along the perimeter of the corrupted pool, trying to drag Alruna's mech into its depths with its whip tail, but it holds fast. (Mission Log, 7/9/2023)
  11. One of the Ireul-Class Engels begins to advance, and the pods on its shoulders snap open, a noxious magical gas oozing onto the ground, settling into an open space between the terrain. (Mission Log, 7/26/2023)
  12. The Ireul places a hissing puddle of magic behind Sieghild before its magics burn into her joints, forcing her away from it, and away from the tower. (Mission Log, 8/13/2023)
  13. The Israfel-Class Engel that weathered Ezra's assault raises its rifle, running forward behind a fallen APC before peppering the area around Everything is Fine with shots, none of them connecting, but hindering its targeting capabilities significantly. (Mission Log, 7/1/2023)
  14. The Ramiel-Class Engel activates, scuttling along the side of the husk of a building it was hidden behind. (Mission Log, 7/1/2023)
  15. The shot comes in a blinding flash of light, the gathered magic in the Engel's barrel converging into a single fine point that tears through Leaps and Bounds. (Mission Log, 7/1/2023)
  16. With an ominous hum, the Sahaquiel advances, shimmering with a protective shield. As it passes over the Zeruel Bowen blew a chunk out of, the soldiers can see their targeting sensors begin to crackle with static when they view it, a radiation from the larger Engel interfering with them. (Mission Log, 7/8/2023)
  17. Then, as it notices a lapse in the escort of the scavengers, it moves forward, coming to a stop above them. A secondary set of optics opens on its underside, transfixing them in a cone of light as the Engel lets out a loud warbling scream, the scavengers crying out and trying to cover their ears through their hardsuits. (Mission Log, 7/9/2023)
  18. Alruna pulls data from the Engel's visual sensors, locked on the scavengers, with a word running rampant through its systems. Murderers. (Mission Log, 7/9/2023)
  19. The Sahaquiel shrieks and writhes with pain, its entire chassis convulsing as its own energies run amok. With its last bit of energy, its optics scan the soldiers surrounding it, and then, in a chaos of gears and servos whirring and clicking in a crude facsimile of human speech, it speaks. this... is-n't... o-ver... (Mission Log, 7/14/2023)
  20. As its vents begin hissing with heat, its tail draws a line across the ground, a shimmering wall of flame flaring up between its allies and the oncoming soldiers. (7/1/2023)
  21. However, the flash seems to be enough to distract from the incoming whip, which grabs Thrown to the Wolves by the leg and smashes it into a nearby wreck, sending it sprawling to the ground. (Mission Log, 7/1/2023)
  22. The Shamshel, already struggling to stay on its feet, quickly pulls the Leliel between it and the blast, the strange Engel taking the brunt of it while she Shamshel remains standing. The Leliel's humming takes a pained tone, and it weakly struggles in the Shamshel's grip. (Mission Log, 8/13/2023)
  23. It draws a bead on her, and while its surprisingly potent shotgun tears through her frame, she keeps her footing against the onslaught, the Tabris reloading its gun with a flourish. (Mission Log, 8/14/2023)
  24. As it reaches the tower, a hatch on its back pops open, and an insect-like drone scuttles onto the ground. The drone crawls next to the tower before a crackling storm of energy bursts from it in a bubble around it, Fia's sensors blurring with noise as her systems are cut off from her companions. Indeed, to her friends, her frame now registers as a hostile unit, a traitor to be eliminated. (Mission Log, 8/14/2023)
  25. The Zeruel to the south lashes a whipblade around the Gaghiel to its side, its chest splitting open to reveal a mass of whirling blades. As it shoves the smaller Engel in its maw with a horrible grinding sound, the released magics pulse over its frame, and, rejuvenated, it advances northwards, still smoldering with corruption. (Mission Log, 7/9/2023)
  26. The Zeruel to the south lets out a shrill screech, its chest splitting open into a whirling mass of blades. Though most of their frames resist the incoming shockwave, Thrown to the Wolves is scrambled by the Engel's assault, and as its mouth froths with hissing orange liquid, it clambers forward on all fours. (Mission Log, 7/13/2024)
  27. "...There's no designs," Erhad says slowly, expression darkening. "I know the models of the Engels. There were some that could become all kinds of things, but never a Worldsweeper. The Mond can only make the Engels it has schematics for." (4/1/2024)
  28. It darts through the safety of the nearby climate node until it comes to the nearest factory, at which point it teleports to the other side... though when it disappears, a "shadow" of shimmering energy remains where it stood, readying its own blade. (5/29/2024)
  29. The clone explodes in a volatile wave of arcane energy as Nadia overloads its erratic systems. (6/2/2024)
  30. One of the lumbering Engels with a shoulder-mounted cannon leaves the treeline, a bolt of crackling orange lightning launching from its shoulder to tear into No Funeral, the burning energy interfering with her systems. (Mission Log, 5/28/2024)
  31. It sends out a pool of electricity to the east to interfere with electronic targeting systems before settling near the factory. (Mission Log, 5/28/2024)
  32. From the hull of the spider-like Engel comes a beeping, and what at first seemed like a part of its hull begins to glow, purging the jamming signal on the Engel as the small drone-like figure is wrapped in an arcane shell. (Mission Log, 5/30/2024)
  33. As she watches, the minisicule Engel from before rises up from the wreckage, tendrils lashing into her frame before she can react. It forces her to the ground outside the factory, her systems sparking as its talons rend Alruna's shield asunder. (Mission Log, 6/3/2024)
  34. In the face of Sieghild's assault, the Engel lets out a wave of electricity that threatens to disable her systems, but she holds fast. (Mission Log, 6/22/2024)
  35. As Stormfront advances, the storm clouds around them billow outwards to blanket the battlefield. The wind rises into a swirling maelstrom, debris whipping through the air. They can see even the Engels begin to sway in the force of the storm, and the chaos of whirling branches and vehicles strikes Fia as an immediate hazard to her flying prospects. (Mission Log, 5/28/2024)
  36. They carefully aim the blast over her head, sending her slamming into the burning pavement below with a crunch that shears her ablative weapon systems and causes her reactor to rupture. As they continue to overload her systems, they let out a pained hiss. "Laugh at me, will you? Who's laughing now, Imperial!?" (Mission Log, 6/23/2024)
  37. [...]but then, the clouds roll back into their frame as they return to their humanoid form, raising a hand into the air. The magicks coalesce into two burning meteors, which fly into the air, hanging over the southern factories like twin swords hanging by threads. (Mission Log, 6/2/2024)
  38. It's a Revelation-Class ship, though most know them more by their colloquial name: "Worldsweepers". Though their own armaments aren't quite enough for Mond-level destruction, they're still more than capable of leaving a dent in the landscape. Their real threat, however, comes from the armies they often carry within them, ready for deployment at any moment. (Mission Log, 3/21/2024)
  39. As Stormfront's stormclouds recede in the wake of the climate node's destruction[...] (Mission Log, 6/11/2024)
  40. "No idea. Widespread weather control is a violation of international law, so I don't have much, er, practical experience in the area. It could be anything. All I can say is, for a storm of that size, it must be huge." (Mission Log, 3/20/2024)
  41. Before they have time to process the significance of this, however, the Engel’s humming increases to a bone-chilling song, and the black energy expands from its body in a sphere, encompassing the entire base around them in a cloying darkness that seems to stick to their frames. It seems, for the time being, that they’re fighting blind. (Mission Log, 7/26/2023)
  42. The gyrating Engel contracts for a moment, then expands in a burst of orange energy. Though the waves of warped space around it dissipate, it now takes to the air in a flash, its form difficult to discern amidst the darkness choking the air. (Mission Log, 7/27/2023)
  43. The Leliel contracts again, snapping back with a wave of black energy that radiates out from it, the spacetime around it beginning to warp once more as it settles to the ground. (Mission Log, 8/13/2023)
  44. She receives no response from the Engel. It seems it's not capable of directly communicating with her; its message was likely buried in her scan because it was the only way it knows how to send it. (Mission Log, 8/5/2023)
  45. "Actually, I have... we used to call it a club, but now we're the Human Coexistence Coalition. There's not many of us, but we're out there. They can't fly into range of the signals themselves, so I bring back downloads of human media for them when I can. They're... they're good kids." She looks up to the sky, a tinge of fondness to her voice. "Nightlight's our newest member. It's the one you spared back in Vruikt Barr. It wanted to know more about humans than what it heard from the others... all thanks to you." (Mission Log, 6/27/2024)
  46. The newly-arrived Engels advance on the factories, dripping with sizzling orange fluid. One of them descends upon the fallen Baraqiel, consuming it in an instant before spitting up two new Engels, their hulls still glowing with heat. (Mission Log, 6/20/2024)
  47. The spider-like Engel crawls towards Fia, skirting around the range of her shotgun as a line of acid tears through the shield Bowen placed on her, and it's only by that shield's grace that she avoids catastrophic structure damage. (Mission Log, 6/11/2024)
  48. The spider-like Engel crawls forward, singular optic scanning the battlefield as it advances. It seems unbothered as Bowen jams its systems, a hatch on its back ejecting a missile that explodes into a noxious puddle of goo on the ground. (Mission Log, 5/30/2024)
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